Monday 19 November 2012

Latest News from RM...

okay,tdy da update tntg JOZAN..ney nak update tntg RM 'RUNNING MAN' lak...hehehehe
Baru2 ney kecoh kt sana sini tntg Song ji hyo aka MONGJI sbb die bg statement kt 1 station radio yg die kdg2 rasa nak berhenti dr terikat gn KANG GARY or also known as MONDAY COUPLE..masa 1st time bace tntg artikel tu memg cm frust la jgk sbb aq ney MC tegar, memg minat gler kt MC ney sbb aq rase dowg sweet together2...ble berita cmtu kua , memg gamai gak yg marah2 mongji tnpa usul periksa..esoknye,berita sebenarnye kua n exceli, wartawan yg wat dajal..memandai je ckp cmtu..dahla xtulis btol2 tntg interview tu pastu saje bikin panas..exceli,mongji di interview tntg filem terbaru die 'jackal is coming' n pastu dowg tnye tntg gary oppa n mongji hanya diberi 2 pilihan jwpn samada jawab YES or SOMETIMES je.. xadil sbb dowg xbg jwb,ble dorg tnye tntg being entangled with gary is burdensome or not if xslh n mongji jwb SOMETIMES I WISH TO STOP.
boleh bace kt sini utk lebih lanjut..ney sume artikel tntg MC...

kt atas tu ade jwpn dr mongji jgk yg die ckp die risau if gary oppa n member RM yg lain akan salah fhm padahal wartawan yg putar belit cter..hope sgt yg hbgn dowg still okay sbb dowg dah mcm family..mongji pown admit yg die rapat gn gary oppa since MC sweet of u laa..hehehhee

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